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» Random Tuesday...Recovery...Tulips...Traveling!!
Random Tuesday...Recovery...Tulips...Traveling!!
Written By bombomtox on Feb 28, 2012 | 3:41 AM
I survived the third surgery!!! I had to be awake during the whole thing!! Yikes! They couldn't get my veins to cooperate for an IV so they numbed the area and gave me some happy pills!! Ha! It was a bit unnerving...but I survived. I talked to the doc about buying one of my art pieces. Might as well...couldn't do anything else! Ha!! Anyway, sore but happy and recovering. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.
Lisa and Emma came back this weekend to finish up their shopping. They had some money left over from prom dress shopping, so they wanted to pic up some accessories. Emma got the cutest undies and Lisa got another gorgeous top. They had fun...I stayed home. I behaved. Sigh!!
My heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families in Chardon, Ohio after another senseless shooting!!! This is so sad!
More beautiful sunrises....
Dr, John will be going to Alabama to visit his old friend, Carol Floyd...my old sculpture professor...in April. Carl is so talented. It will be fun to see what his house and gardens look like now and his new art pieces. Dr. John will take plenty of pics.
Also, Dr. John and I are going to Oakland, Ca. soon. He has a conference to attend and I will don my walking shoes and take along my trusty camera! It will be a fun few days and hopefully warm and sunny.
My eldest granddaughter is looking to get out of Gallup for the summer this year and needs a summer job or apprenticeship somewhere. She loves Louisiana and Washington DC. If any of you have some leads, we sure would appreciate your letting us know. Thanks!
Yawn....recovering from surgery is boring! My friend Cheri came to visit a few days ago and brought me some tulips and a beautiful salad.!! Yum!! The tulips were beautiful but are now faded away. And I forgot to take pics. Sorry....thanks Cheri!!
Received my copy of the movie, Breaking Dawn, Part One and I love it! Have watched it three times already!!
Go forth now and Randomize!! Visit Stacy at Stacy Uncorked and Keely of The UnMom. Stacy hosts Random Tuesday and Keely used too and stepped aside to take a break. Make sure and tell her that her break is over!! Ha!!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you