Pocket Dreams
I walk through this world with a pen in my hand,
and a paint brush in my pocket;
looking for colors
and words that refresh
I walked through a sunset,
tawny and gold;
savage, yet scorching
searing my soul,
melting ideas; my dreams.
I walked through a forest; tall pine trees,
cool and mysterious, shadowing my mind;
halting my step with a sound.
I walked on the oceans; beaches of sand,
softly textured and bronze -
Suffocating my thoughts;
grasping my music and songs.
I waked through a garden,
flowers bending with dew;
dazzling colors, crushed and forgotten;
faded like days long gone.
I walked through this world,
with a pen in my hand;
and a paintbrush in my pocket.
The pen was forsaken,
the brush dried and worn;
all I have left is my pocket.
Have a magical and blessed day
Hugging you
Written by SueAnn...images by SueAnn...hope you enjoy both!